Posted 20-01-2025

George santos party 50 photos

George Santos - Wikipedia

George Santos may be Congress' Talented Mr. Ripley. Some of his voters just don't care. - POLITICO

Who is George Santos and why is he in trouble? photoscopies

Who is George Santos and why is he in trouble? - BBC News

Why George Santos' lies make him stand out in a party that lies

Congressman-elect George Santos faces increasing calls to resign after he admitted to 'embellishing' his résumé

Nassau County GOP officials call on Rep. George Santos to resign

Santos again rejects calls to resign, says all '142,000 voters' would need to ask him to - ABC News

George Santos, my New York colleague in Congress, is a danger

Did Republican Representative-elect George Santos lie about his life story? - Vox

New York Republican George Santos's Résumé Called Into Question - The New York Times

NY attorney general looking at controversy over congressman-elect's background - pictures

NY attorney general looking at controversy over congressman-elect's background - ABC News

Some GOP leaders say Republican Santos 'lied' about career and Jewish heritage : NPR

George Santos won't serve on House committees amid investigations

Meet George Santos, the 'mini Trump' Republican who lied his way into the US Congress - ABC News

Report: George Santos, Supporter of Anti-LGBTQ+ Laws, Participated in Drag Shows and Went by the Name “Kitara” in Brazil

Expel George Santos From Congress Movement Gets Boost From 'Students Against Santos'

What the George Santos drag queen denial reveals about the Republican Party - YouTube

Top Republicans plot Santos' ouster as embattled freshman weighs reelection

Who is George Santos, anyway? - The Washington Post

Who is George Santos, anyway? - The Washington Post

What Happened to Dealing With George Santos Quickly?

So, Will Representative George Santos—The Burberry-Clad Mr. Ripley—Actually Resign?

These 7 House Republicans have called for George Santos to resign

US Rep. George Santos repays himself $85K raised from lackluster reelection fundraising

George Santos will have to 'consider resigning,' Republican Rep. Brady says

Republicans want a quick exit for George Santos

George Santos' Democratic opponent calls for congressional probe as party plots district comeback - POLITICO

U.S. Rep. Santos says he won't resign, only leave if illustrations

U.S. Rep. Santos says he won't resign, only leave if voted out in next election

Meet the Man Who Brought You George Santos

George Santos insists he won't be forced out of Congress: 'I'm NOT backing down'

Videos suggest George Santos partied in drag for years despite claim he dressed up for 'fun' at Brazil party

George Santos' Alias Anthony Devolder Claimed to Be on Hannah Montana - Variety

New York Republicans call on Santos to resign and give up his House seat - OPB

Here's Everything That George Santos Has Lied About (So Far)

GOP patience with George Santos wears thin photos

GOP patience with George Santos wears thin

Santos, McCarthy and the Shameless Republican Party - Democracy Docket

Congressional candidate's pharmacist fiance is FIRED afterattending Mar-a-Lago NYE party

US congressman George Santos steps down from committees

George Santos goes to Washington: The new congressman, who lied about nearly every aspect of his life and experience, is having a hard time making friends.

George Santos Planned 'Engagement Party' With Man While Married to

George Santos Planned 'Engagement Party' With Man While Married to Uadla Vieira Santos


George Santos' wall of GOP support starts to show serious cracks

George Santos, a rising star of the Republican Party — The Hofstra Chronicle

Santos Was Going to Propose to Boyfriend While Married to Wife: Report

Legal woes grow for George Santos as another watchdog files what it looks like

Legal woes grow for George Santos as another watchdog files complaint

George Santos to step down from House committees - BBC News

George Santos won't run in 2024, if he doesn't win GOP nomination

Santos' constituents travel to D.C. to demand his ouster

George Santos used new campaign cash to pay himself back

George Santos: why the Republicans aren't doing anything about the controversial congressman, yet

Is George Santos a drag on the GOP - Santa Monica Daily Press

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